Scotland is Calling!

We all know the value of a healthy lifestyle, and we know that regular exercise promotes good mental health. And indoor exercise bikes, whether upright or recumbant, can play an important role in staying healthy and losing weight.
The problem that many people face in attempting to maintain a regular exercise fitness routine is staying motivated.
But staying motivated to maintain your exercise regime will never be a problem again with our Scotland Cycling Scenery DVDs!
Wouldn't you love to be cycling in the Scottish Highlands on a beautiful spring morning? Listening to the birds sings and the newly born lambs baying to stay near their mothers? Enjoying the Scottish Blue Bells and other flowers in full bloom? We have recently released the first in a series of Scottish Scenery DVDs, "The Loch Etive, Scotland Virtual Bike Ride DVD" which will allow you to experience all that and more! Click here to see our complete DVD Catalog
Just place one of our Scotland Cycling Scenery DVDs in your DVD player and instantly you will be "cycling" in scenic Scotland on that beautiful fresh spring day. Your time spent exercising will fly by. You'll go farther and enjoy it more than every before. But don't take our word for it; read what others have said:
"Dear Sirs: Awesome product! I own a Spin studio and just used the video for my true road cyclist (Orange County Bicycle Club) and they we're floored by the wonderful technigues used to record. We have been watching crappy vids in basements for years and this was a delight to watch alone and a great ride when added to our Spin room 50 plasma and my music. Thanks I have purchased all 4 bike vids and await new releases. Mike, Cycle Fitness Center"
"Not sure if I mentioned this or not but I LOVE your DVD’s. They inspire me everyday to get on the spinner. When I first began my quest roughly six months ago my health was not something to brag about. I had a heart attack a day before my 46th birthday and luckily very little damaged was done. After jumping on the health band wagon I have lost a significant amount of weight. My cholesterol is 160 and I am off all my meds except the aspirin that I take every morning. I couldn’t have done it with you and your innovative product. You made a difference in my life as well as my wife and two small children. Thank you and god bless!! Frank"
"I am so hooked, your DVD's are wonderful. I want to order 4 more. Shelley"
"I already have all the DVDs that you currently offer! I am anxiously waiting for new ones. I love your DVDs, they are the best! Is there a way you could perhaps e-mail me when the new ones come out? I will bookmark your site. Thanks Again, Virginia"
"Thank you very much! We already have all the other DVDs that you have produced and enjoy them immensely. We will definitely enjoy these, and look forward to your new ones. You must have a great time filming them! We certainly enjoy and appreciate your efforts. All the best, Robert"
"Just thought I'd let you know that the DVDs arrived on May 8th. They are great! I can't wait for the Scotland one. Thanks! I'll be ordering again. Email you soon. Sincerely, L.J.C."
"What a wonderful idea! I lived in Europe for 32 years and now I am stateside. Your videos brought back so many memories that photos just can't do. Thank you, Margaret"